

New updates and improvements to ThriveDesk.
June 3, 2024

New Email Alias Feature: Streamline Your Support Workflow Like Never Before

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of one of the most requested help desk features in ThriveDesk: the Email Alias! This game-changing addition allows you to manage multiple emails within a single inbox, simplifying your support workflow and boosting productivity. 

Now, you can add similar emails, such as [email protected] and [email protected], to your main support email ([email protected]), and handle all your customer inquiries in one unified space.

  • Improvements and Fixes
    • Live chat overall UI
    • Conversation navigator
    • Performance update for conversation page
    • Anonymous contact name issue for transcript email
    • New app updater system.
    • Live chat realtime chat count updated
    • Fixed style broken issue for Assistant while creating it first time
    • Real-time update for Assistant list.
    • Live chat notification fix
May 13, 2024

New Ticket, Live Chat and Responsive UI

Today we’re rolling out three game-changing improvements to streamline your support workflow and boost agent productivity.

New Ticket/Conversation View

Designed for maximum efficiency, our revamped ticket view lets agents breeze through conversations without ever leaving the page. 

With all related tickets conveniently displayed in the left panel, you can switch seamlessly between them. Plus, see who replied last with just a glance – no need to open each ticket.

new ticket ui - ThriveDesk
  • Improvements and Fixes
    • Upgraded live chat server to handle 10x more concurrent requests.
    • Implemented meaningful error messages for network issues.
    • Enhanced user experience by relocating certain modules under the “more” menu.
    • Added a new option to display last replied by.
    • Improved ticket navigation
    • Moved inbox settings button to the top, providing more sidebar space.
    • Updated search UI.
    • Visitor map now displays visitor ID instead of random names.
    • Redesigned recent conversation widget.
    • Fixed issue with last message display in live chat.
    • Resolved problem where customers couldn’t see older messages in live chat.
    • Fixed Knowledge Base button on editor.
    • Corrected DNS value copy button functionality.
    • Addressed issue with delete button for last conversation on contact.
    • Fixed bug causing settings save problem on notification page.
March 12, 2024

February Release Notes: WordPress Plugin 2.0, New Auth, Onboarding, and More

WordPress Plugin 2.0

A lot of our customers found us from WordPress plugin directory and initial experience with our plugin wasn’t up to scratch.

feb update 1 - ThriveDesk

Now, when you install ThriveDesk and connect it with your WordPress site, you’ll enjoy a seamless onboarding experience like never before.

  • Improvements and Fixes
    • Feat: WooCommerce custom order plugin support
    • Fix: Malformed utf8 characters in email
    • Fix: Ignore chaining draft if doesn’t exist
    • Fix: Message field must be required for a draft
    • Fix: Thread body -> message body text for clipped messages
    • Improved: Clipped message content if exceed over 5k char.
    • Fix: conversation message body freezes browsers
    • Fix: resolve inbox email address on frontend
    • Fix: registration page warning udpate
    • Fix: force delete conversations with model events to remove associate models
    • Fix: Automation not working
    • Fix: ignore execution for null conversation where conversation is dependent on the execution
    • Fix: allow more mime types including doc and docx
    • Fix: Handle Assistive AI proper error message
    • Fix: Assistive AI toolbar’s grammar and spelling checker chore: Assistive AI legacy code optimize
January 24, 2024
anonymous chat

Introducing Anonymous Live Chat

We’re ecstatic to kick off 2024 with a bang, introducing our much-anticipated and highly-requested feature – ‘Anonymous Live Chat’! At ThriveDesk, we take pride in being a customer-centric platform, and your valuable feedback has been instrumental in shaping this game-changing addition to our suite of tools.

Why Anonymous Live Chat?

We understand that privacy is a top concern for both businesses and their visitors. With ‘Anonymous Live Chat,’ we empower you to connect with your audience in a way that respects their privacy. Now, your leads and website visitors can initiate a chat without the need to provide an email address upfront.

  • Improvements and Fixes
    • Enhanced live chat for instant communication
    • Added “Require Email” settings option for flexibility;
    • Updated the Random name grammar
    • Fix: Email suppression not working in some actions issue fixed
    • Fix: Handle Assistive AI proper error message
    • Fix: Assistive AI toolbar’s grammar and spelling checker
    • Chore: Assistive AI legacy code optimize
    • Fix: resolve visitor service on app init
    • Feat: Added tracking info to customer orders and custom Order Id support with TD-WooCommerce widget
    • Fix: allow more mime types including doc and docx #870
December 29, 2023

Introducing Live Visitor Map

As we bid farewell to an incredible year of innovation and growth, we are thrilled to unveil our grand finale for 2023 – the much-anticipated ‘Live Visitor Map’! 🌍✨

After months of dedication, hard work, and a dash of sleepless nights, our talented team is delighted to present the first beta release of this game-changing feature. The ‘Live Visitor Map’ is designed to revolutionize your experience, bringing you real-time insights into your website’s traffic like never before.

Geographical Insight

Discover the origin of your website traffic with a simple glance. The ‘Live Visitor Map’ allows you to visualize the locations of your visitors in real time, giving you an instant overview of where your audience is coming from.

We are rolling out the initial beta version, and your feedback is invaluable to us. Test it out, explore its capabilities, and let us know how we can enhance this feature further to meet your unique needs.

How to Access the Live Visitor Map:

  1. Log in to your ThriveDesk account.
  2. Look for the ‘Live Visitor Map’ icon on application nav.
  3. Start exploring and gaining insights into your website traffic in real time!

🌟 We are eager to hear your thoughts on this new feature, so don’t hesitate to share your feedback with us. Your input is instrumental in shaping the future of [Your Company].

Here’s to a fantastic year of growth, innovation, and endless possibilities! Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Happy exploring!

  • Improvements and Fixes
    • Improvement: UI Improved and new editor
    • Feat: New Chat menu on sidebar for quick access
    • Fix: missing the first client message
    • Fix: inApp live chat notification
    • Fix: saved reply
    • Fix: realtime chat message
    • Fix: accept chat and close chat bug with object object fix
    • Fix: User data conflict issue fixed.
    • Fix: Portal page caching issue fixed.
    • Fix: API key verification state issue fixed(Stable).
    • Update: Portal page UI improve with all major themes(10+).
November 3, 2023
ThriveDesk - WooCommerce

WooCommerce Customer Support Reimagined

Do customers have to wait a long time for support while your agents browse through multiple tabs to find the right customer information? Well, then you have angry customers and inefficient agents. 

That’s bad for business.

How about we fix that?

Imagine a world where your customers can receive instant support! No waiting times, no unhappy customers. From now, everything is going to be in one, single support dashboard.

Thanks to ThriveDesk integration for WooCommerce. Zip through tickets, whiz through orders, and zap away customer woes while leaving them with a cosmic smile. It’s not just support; it’s support at warp speed! 💫

We redesigned our WooCommerce integration for ground up, let’s dig into it.

August 8, 2023

@mention your teammate

We’re thrilled to announce a powerful addition to ThriveDesk that will take your customer support collaboration to the next level! Say hello to the Mention Feature, designed to streamline teamwork and enhance ticket resolution efficiency.

With the new Mention feature in ThriveDesk, our customer service agents can now seamlessly collaborate and seek assistance from other team members while responding to tickets. It’s as easy as using the “@” symbol followed by the person’s name or username or the whole team(everyone) to get them involved in the conversation. The best part? Whenever someone is mentioned, they’ll receive notification no matter what platform they’re on. 

How will it help?

  • Improved Collaboration and Teamwork: Enhances collaboration among customer service agents, enabling them to easily seek assistance or input from other team members. By using “@” mentions, agents can involve specific individuals or the entire team, fostering a more cohesive and interconnected support environment.
  • Faster Ticket Resolution: Ticket resolution becomes more efficient as agents can quickly bring relevant team members into the conversation. This streamlines the process of finding solutions to complex or unique customer queries, resulting in faster response times and higher customer satisfaction.
  • Real-time Notifications: One of the most significant advantages of this feature is the instant notifications it generates. Whenever a customer service agent is mentioned, they receive notifications via email, push notifications, and web notifications, ensuring that they’re aware of the request or message even if they are not actively using ThriveDesk at that moment. This real-time alert system helps reduce response times and ensures that no critical ticket goes unnoticed.
  • Scalable and Adaptable: Whether you have a small customer support team or a large enterprise-level operation, the mention feature is designed to scale with your needs. It remains equally effective and useful, promoting seamless collaboration and efficient communication in all team sizes and structures.
  • Improvements and Fixes
    • Fixed double notification issue on conversation assignee update event
    • Disallow sending notification emails to inbox that has identical address as user email.
    • Fixed an issue where mail server was showing false alarm
    • WP Post Sync not working with custom post type
    • Fixed an issue that prevent to load instant reply
    • Email parser inline css issue fixed
    • Malformed UTF-8 characters issue on mail server
    • Fixed and issue where Reply is not appearing which agents has replied and needed to reload the page
    • Priority label and filter enhancements
    • Automation permissions fix
July 19, 2023

Conversation priority

Streamline your customer support with the new priority system. You can prioritize conversations manually or through workflow automation.

With the new priority system, your support agents can easily categorize and organize incoming tickets based on their urgency and importance. Whether you’re dealing with critical issues that require immediate attention or regular inquiries, this feature allows you to efficiently allocate resources where they are needed most.

Set conversation priority
Set conversation priority

Set the priority of any conversation from the conversation page by clicking the “more” icon and selecting the desired level. The priority icon will then be clearly visible, enabling quick understanding of ticket importance at a glance

  • Improvements and Fixes
    • Freemius integration API fetching issue fixed.
    • Email parser error fix for inline css transformation
    • Fixed some email failing issue due to json-parser error
    • Fixed UI flashing and jittery movement
    • Fixed double rendering issue for conversation screen
    • Fixed an issue that scroll the conversation upon opening the reply editor
    • Removed double loading bar for some screens
    • Fixed default assigned(if not assigned) for conversation reply
July 12, 2023
Wix Integration

Introducing Wix integration

If you run an eCommerce business you will find the following scenario to be an all but familiar one:

It’s a busy day in the office, and your customer support team is swamped with inquiries about order statuses, shipping information, and more. 

Tickets are piling up, phones are ringing off the desks and you see your agents gasping.

They’re helpless and trying their best to stem the tsunami of service requests and orders but it’s a losing battle. You know your team is dedicated and hardworking, but with so much to do, they could use a little extra help. 

That’s where ThriveDesk’s new Wix integration comes in. With a brand new widget designed specifically for businesses on Wix, ThriveDesk has made it easier than ever for customer support agents to manage orders, track order statuses, and fulfill orders quickly and efficiently. 

April 17, 2023

ThriveDesk + Freemius Integration: Elevate Your Customer Support Experience

Has it ever occurred to you that every customer interaction is an opportunity to strengthen your brand and create a lasting impression?

By providing top-notch customer support, you’re not only helping your customers achieve their goals, but you’re also building a superhero team of loyal customers who will champion your business for years to come. 

This is crucial for online marketplaces where customers have an array of options and they can switch whenever they want.

This means, the better you treat your customers, the more people will trust your store and want to use your products or service.

So, dear Freemius shop owners, it’s time to make every customer interaction a chance to shine.

ThriveDesk announces direct integration with Freemius!
